La ville de Quimperlé est située à la confluence de deux rivières, l'Ellé et l'Isole.
Kêr Gemperle, an hini gevrinus

Quimperlé, the secret

Logo Bretagne

Water, scenery and a rich built heritage. These are the main assets of Quimperlé, this small historic town divided between its upper town around the church of Notre-Dame and its lower town, where you can see the mansions of the merchant-shippers along the quays. And when you get lost in the narrow streets or stroll along the water's edge, you'll discover a dynamic town,

modern and inspiring!

#1 Quimperlé, where the two meet

A stroll through Quimperlé takes you back in time to the narrow medieval streets, the abbey church of Sainte-Croix and the fine residences of rue Brémond d'Ars, which reflect the great commercial activity of the 19th century. Taking the time to look around is the best way to make sure you don't miss out on the details of the facades, the rue Dom Morice which hides the magnificent Maison des Archers, the Halles built in 1887 and the medieval bridge known as the Pont Fleuri.

On the hill of Saint-Michel, known as the upper town, the church of Notre-Dame de l'Assomption watches over the town and its rivers, like a lighthouse overlooking the sea. A few steps away, in the little street that bears its name, the Frémeur hospital, a monument unique in Brittany, is revealed.


La rue Dom Morice à Quimperlé avec la Maison des Archers.

#2 Strolling around Quimperlé

Situated at the confluence of two rivers, Quimperlé is a naturally natural town! Small green spaces are never far away. The Parc des Gorrêts (1 ha), maintained in a rural atmosphere, is a restful spot on the banks of the Ellé. For a game of molkky with friends or a spot of reading in the shade of the trees, this park is a haven of peace. The Parc de Bel-Air is also a peaceful place to read in the shade, on a bench for example, with games for children. A stone's throw away, the belvedere offers a fine panoramic view of the confluence of the two rivers and the Laïta.


Le Parc des Gorrêts est un parc nature au cœur de la ville de Quimperlé en Finistère Sud.
Le Parc des Gorrêts est un lieu de calme et de détente dans la ville de Quimperlé.

#3 An inspiring city for Breton culture

Auguste Brizeux, Jacques Cambry, Théodore Hersart de la Villemarqué, Matilin an Dall, Glenmor, Xavier Grall, Youenn Gwernig. Names that resonate with insiders of Breton culture. Born in or passing through Quimperlé, these great names in literature and music have all been influenced by the town. As defenders of the Breton identity, they have contributed to the (re)birth of Breton sentiment. Statues, street names and local establishments bear the names of these illustrious figures.



Des grands noms de la littérature comme Théodore Hersart de la Villemarqué sont passés ou natifs de la ville de Quimperlé en Finistère Sud.

Quimperlé is still an inspiring town for many artists, who settle here and exhibit their work. It's a new lease of life for the arts, with events such as the Enez Fest Festival, a popular celebration of the visual, sound and nautical arts.

Le Enez Fest est un festival sur les arts visuels, sonores et nautiques à Quimperlé en Finistère Sud.
L'Enez Fest a lieu dans le ville de Quimperlé, en Finistère sud

#4 Where do you go out in Quimperlé?

Yes, that's a very good question! Like any self-respecting Breton town, Quimperlé has a very interesting nightlife... Trendy bars and bistros promise wonderful evenings where you can swap the good old "16" for local beers.

Drink in moderation, of course!


Restaurants of Quimperlé


La ville de Quimperlé en Finistère Sud est une ville très animée aux beaux jours.

#5 Where to shop in Quimperlé?

There's no better place than a market to feel the atmosphere of a region: local designers, craftspeople and producers will help you discover the tradition and diversity of flavours and scents, with the aim of always satisfying you!


Find all the markets in the Destination Quimperlé les rias

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